How Tui Group Continue To Fail Marine Wildlife

How Tui Group Continue To Fail Marine Wildlife

  • 500 agents to ‘call in’ TUI Group to stop profiting from cruelty

    Rather than calling out, a community of travel agents are 'calling in' TUI group to join the multitude of tour operators who've already taken action. This year EasyJet announced their ban of marine parks with Jet2holidays became the latest operator to have a change of heart. TUI are dragging their feet and we're here to change that...
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  • Travel Agency Designer Travel takes a significant step forward

    Knowledge is empowering. Education is the premise of positive change. That’s why Designer travel, a luxury travel agency with over 120 travel experts located across the UK, have enrolled their team into our sustainable travel masterclass. Embarking on a 6-week learning journey, find out what happened...
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